Tradesperson working on a project for work

North American Trade Schools

Skilled trades can be a excellent career option for women as the labour shortage approaches in Canada.

April 25, 2014

Brampton, London

Canada will experience an unprecedented shortage of skilled trade’s workers across every province. The shortage estimates vary but according the Ministry of Skill Development and Labour there will be nearly one million positions about to open up nationwide by 2020. The aging labour force and lack of replacements have forced the current strategy of hiring foreign workers to fill the void. One of the ways that the Canadian government, labour associations and private corporations have address this problem is by promoting trades as a career to women through various programs. As a result, women have begun to trickle into the trades training.

Women excelling in skilled trades


The number of females in apprenticeship training is increasing, according to the Ontario government, women now represent 19 percent of apprenticeships in Ontario. Although women make up less than three percent of the current registered apprentices, the number will surely increase as women begin filling the void. One of the main attractions of the skilled trades is the the compensation for the labour, it has become a signature incentive for some to begin career training.


Ontario College of Trades has been one of the many organizations addressing the labour shortage and gender imbalance by promoting the trades as a viable career path.

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